Your Adventure Begins Here…

 We’re all headed somewhere. Part of our adventure is to help you on yours. No matter where your journey takes you, we’ll all arrive at an eternal destination. We’d hate to make it our business to prepare you for this life without offering help to prepare you for what comes next. 

The Bible teaches that we will all die and one day face the judgement of God. We’ll all be made to give an account for what we’ve done with our lives. We’ll be measured according to the standard of God’s holiness. The Bible also teaches that all of mankind has sinned and fall short of God’s glory. There’s no way that we can meet His standards on our own. Even the best of people break God’s laws. Because our sin separates us from God, we are destined for death and eternal separation from Him.

Thankfully God, the Creator of the everything, showed His mercy and love toward us, His creation, in that while we are condemned by our sin against Him, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life and die as a sacrifice that can cover our sins and bring us into a right relationship with Him. He didn’t just die though. He was buried in a tomb and then through the power of God, He was raised to life three days later just as He said would happen. He defeated death and ascended into Heaven and now is seated at the right hand of God, making a relationship with Him possible for us. The Creator of the universe calls sinful man to an intimate relationship with Him! This is the FREE GIFT of God!

Even when we are at our worst, God loves and wants a relationship with those He is calling to Himself. No matter how far we run from Him or how bad we become, God’s desire will always be to save us. This is where the real adventure begins! The Bible says that when we place our faith in Jesus for salvation, that we become a new creation in Him and get to enjoy an eternity in the presence of God. 

The wildest journey’s here on earth and the most beautiful scenes in nature can’t compare to the wonder we’ll experience when we meet our Creator. Are you ready? Have you received the FREE GIFT of salvation through faith in Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world? If not, you can start this adventure today! You can do so by talking to God. Just start talking, He can hear you. Tell Him that you know that you are a sinner, but you also know that He sent His Son Jesus to die so that you could be saved from sin and death. Call out to God for salvation and turn from your life of sin. Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Proclaim that Jesus is now the Lord of your life! 

If you have answered this call of God, your adventure has just begun! Find a church and tell them that you have given your life to God. Tell your loved ones about the FREE GIFT of God. Get a Bible and begin to read to learn more about God and His Son Jesus. If you need a Bible, reach out to us in the “Contact Us” section and we’ll do our best to help! If you have given your life to Jesus because of what you’ve read here, please let us know so that we can share in your joy! 

We pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you, no matter where your adventure leads!


- Antioch Outfitters